Husqvarna 128ld Won’t Stay Running (Reasons & Solutions)
If you’ve recently purchased a Husqvarna 128ld only to find that it will not stay running, don’t despair! You are not the only one experiencing this issue.
Millions of Husqvarna 128ld owners have faced the same challenge, and many have triumphed! There are several causes for this, the most common being an impurity in your fuel mix, a problem with the spark plug, insufficient fuel supply to the carburetor, or an air filter clogged with debris.
Before heading to the repair shop, take a few moments to diagnose what is causing your Husqvarna to cut out. With some luck and persistent troubleshooting, you’ll soon have that Husqvarna 128ld is purring away happily again!

In this blog post, we’ll go over some common reasons why your Husqvarna 128LD might not be running and how to fix them.
Reasons Why Your Husqvarna 128ld won’t stay running
The Husqvarna 128LD is a popular string trimmer for professional and home use. However, many users report that their Husqvarna 128LD won’t stay running after just a few minutes of use. There could be several reasons why your Husqvarna 128LD won’t stay running.
Fuel Problems
The most common cause of a Husqvarna 128LD that won’t stay running is an issue with the fuel system. The Husqvarna 128LD requires you to mix 2-cycle engine oil into the gasoline at a 50:1 ratio (50 parts gas to 1 part oil).

If this ratio isn’t correct, the engine will not run properly and eventually shut off. Ensure that you are using fresh gasoline and that your fuel mix is accurate.
If your fuel tank has been sitting empty or if you’ve added old gas, this could cause the Husqvarna not to stay running. Old gasoline can clog up vital parts of the engine and disrupt how it functions.
You should always use fresh fuel when refilling your Husqvarna. Another possible culprit for a Husqvarna 128ld that won’t stay running is an air filter that needs to be cleaned or replaced.
When dirt and grime accumulate on your air filter, it can reduce airflow and prevent your lawnmower from functioning correctly. Cleaning or replacing your air filter should do the trick in getting your mower back up and running smoothly.
Air Filter Clogs
Another possible cause of a Husqvarna 128LD that won’t stay running is a clogged air filter. You may have debris clogging up the spark plug or carburetor in your Husqvarna 128LD, causing it to shut off prematurely.

Many times grass clippings and other debris can build up around the spark plug or block off air passage in the carburetor, preventing the engine from receiving enough air to keep it running smoothly.
Try cleaning out debris from these areas with a stiff brush or compressed air to see if that resolves the problem.
Dirty Spark Plug
Another common reason why your Husqvarna 128ld may not be staying running is due to a dirty spark plug or a malfunctioning ignition coil.

These components are responsible for providing a sufficient spark at the right time during each combustion cycle for efficient combustion to take place. If they are corroded or otherwise damaged, they will not be able to provide sufficient spark, and as a result, combustion will fail to occur properly.
To restore proper running conditions with your Husqvarna 128ld, these components should be inspected and replaced if necessary.
Dirty Carburetor
The carburetor is responsible for mixing fuel and air to create combustion in your engine, but if it gets too dirty or corroded, it may not be able to do its job correctly.

This can lead to an engine that starts up easily but stalls shortly after starting due to insufficient fuel/air mixture being fed into the engine.
If the carburetor is dirty or clogged with debris, it can prevent adequate airflow into the engine, resulting in the lawnmower not performing correctly.
It’s important to clean out any dirt or debris from the carburetor before you attempt to start it up again. Cleaning or replacing your carburetor should fix this issue quickly and easily.
How To Fix A Husqvarna 128ld That Won’t Stay Running.
If your Husqvarna 128ld isn’t staying running, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot and fix the issue.
Diagnosing The Problem
The first step in fixing any problem is diagnosing it. In this case, the issue is likely a clogged carburetor or float valve.

You will need to remove the carburetor from your Husqvarna and check it for debris or dirt buildup that could prevent it from running. Additionally, you should check the float valve as well as the fuel filter for any blockages or obstructions.
Once you have identified any obstructions, you should clean out the carburetor and replace broken or worn parts like gaskets, diaphragms, jets, and floats. Be sure to mark down on a piece of paper where each jet was positioned before removing them so you can easily put them back in their original position after cleaning. Also, remember that when installing new parts, the little spring inside the carburetor goes under the float arm.
Fixing Your Husqvarna

Replacing any broken or worn-out parts in your Husqvarna 128ld’s carburetor and carefully reassembling everything according to your notes should solve your issue of it not staying running.
To ensure optimal performance going forward, follow a regular maintenance schedule for your machine—this includes checking its air filter regularly, draining old fuel from its tank every season, and replacing it with fresh fuel per manufacturer guidelines.
Replace the fuel filter.
It may also be necessary to clean or replace the fuel filter on your trimmer if there are any signs of debris inside it which could be preventing fuel from getting through and causing interruptions in operation.

- To do this, first, drain all fuel from the tank into an empty container before removing the plastic cap containing the fuel filter with pliers and replacing it with a new one if needed.
- Refill the tank with fresh gasoline and use only high-quality oil designed explicitly for two-stroke engines when adding oil to the fuel mixture to keep your Husqvarna 128ld running optimally.
Finally, after completing all these inspection steps and replacing parts where necessary, start up your Husqvarna 128ld again by pressing down on the throttle trigger while pressing the primer bulb three times until you feel resistance at each press – this ensures sufficient fuel has been pumped into the carburetor for starting the engine.
Once started up again, make sure that the throttle operates correctly without sticking or stalling out during operation – adjust settings on the throttle lever if necessary for smoother operation of the trimmer overall.
Suppose none of these steps help fix your problem. In that case, it may be time to take your Husqvarna 128ld in for service by a qualified technician who can further diagnose and repair any underlying issues causing this issue with your chainsaw.
Additionally, checking your Husqvarna 128ld’s user manual can help provide more insight into potential causes of why it won’t stay running and instructions on how to properly service each part mentioned above.
Keeping track of regular maintenance is key when dealing with issues like your Husqvarna 128ld not staying running.
By following the steps outlined above and adhering to a solid maintenance schedule going forward, you’ll have no problem keeping your machine up and running for years! For more help with issues like this one or general questions about operating a Husqvarna 128ld safely and properly.

In sharing his knowledge, Brayden aims to guide individuals and professionals alike through the complexities of managing land and effectively using machinery. His insights are practical, borne out of hands-on experience, and cover a spectrum of scenarios in land management. More about me